Aimee Norris
Dominican University - Graduate School of Library Science

Goals and Outcomes

Gamer Plushies Craft Program

Goal One
Develop a professional identity, including commitment to core values of LIS

To support my accomplishments for the first goal, I have chosen three outcomes: 1b, 1c, and 1d.

Outcome 1b
Articulate the philosophies of the library and information professions

For my first paper in LIS 701 Intro to Library and Information Studies with Prof. Crowley, I analyzed an information brief by the New York Comprehensive Center Educational Technology Team regarding the impact of various key library programs on their respective communities and how there is a vast need for well-funded, politically-backed, and technologically-developed libraries and library programs. Looking all the intriguing programs offered at different libraries, it wasn’t hard to see how these programs all represented various philosophies regarding the role of the library, such as access to all and freedom of access. Providing for users who are underprivileged, disabled, or underserved is an important philosophy for all libraries, especially public libraries. One specific example in this paper that I am always drawn to is the “Read Down Your Fines” program offered at NYPL where patrons with hefty library fines who are unable to pay can “pay off” the debt through reading. By acknowledging the financial hurdle faced by its patrons, this library was able to promote learning as well as provide freedom of access to those who are underprivileged or who suffer unfortunate circumstances even at the expense of earning money through fines.

LIS 701 Paper 1

Outcome 1c
Identify the core values and ethics of the library and information professions

In my analyzation of the Strategic Plan for Johnson County Library written for Prof. Stewart’s course LIS 770 Management of Library and Information Centers, I broke down how the library planned to organize and develop around many core values and ethics of library science. The library split their plan into goal groups they called “portfolios,” which are: Education, Community Building, and Convenience. For education, the goals emphasized digital literacy, access for all needs of the community, and exemplifying “brand promise” with interactions with the public. In Community Building, collaboration and a welcoming environment were the focus, and with Convenience, the importance lay in ease of access, engagement, innovation. All of these aspects fit wonderfully with LIS values and ethics of freedom of information, access, literacy, and learning in the library.

LIS 770 Strategic Plan

Outcome 1d
Articulate a personal professional philosophy of the library and information professions

For Prof. Nemec-Loise’s course LIS 723, Services for Children and Young Adults, our final project, the Best Practices Portfolio, not only contained a collection of best practices we found in our research, but also a personal philosophy statement, which can be found at the end. In my philosophy statement, I stressed the importance of access and the need for children to be able to freely learn, discover and play.

LIS 723 Best Practice Portfolio