Aimee Norris
Dominican University - Graduate School of Library Science

Goals and Outcomes

Gamer Plushies Craft Program

Goal Three
Navigate, curate and create information across the spectrum of human records from local to global contexts

For the third goal, my chosen outcomes are 3a, 3b, and 3c. I have over 6 artifacts, including this website to support these outcomes.

Outcome 3a
Utilize the resources needed to manage information

In LIS 703 Organization of Knowledge with Prof. Snow, our final exam synthesized all the knowledge we obtained throughout the course including three short exam essays where I compared the RDA handbook to Charles Cutter’s library information ideals as laid out in his article Objects and Means, I took a graphic novel example and broke it down into a FRBR model and defended my reasoning, and I wrote a brief idea for a presentation defending the importance of cataloging. The rest of the exam shows how I created bibliographic records in MARC.

LIS 703 Final Exam

Outcome 3b
Design tools that facilitate access to information

For this outcome, I have many artifacts. For LIS 704 Reference and Online Services with Prof. Fallon, our final assignment was the online resource Subject Guide which compiled useful data for another we have chosen. For my subject guide, I chose LIS 723 and my subject was Young Adults and Technology. On this website I created with Google Sites, I compiled relevant circulating books, reference books, journals, links to web resources, and a bibliography.

As mentioned in an earlier goal, I have the online resource for Young Adults and Suicide from LIS 722 Materials for Young Adults. Teens and those who work with young adults can use the site to find resources, help, book recommendations and more.>/p>

In LIS 721 Materials for Children with Prof. Huggins, I created an online resource showcasing Steampunk book recommendations (fiction, nonfiction, and comics) and alternate resources for children, parents, and librarians interested in the genre.

As an assignment for LIS 804 YA Literature and the Movies with Prof. Del Negro, I created the online resource, Upcoming Superhero Movies for teens, where I list upcoming superhero films, information about them, and respective graphic novel recommendations.

LIS 704 Subject Guide LIS 722 YA & Suicide LIS 721 Steampunk LIS 804 Superhero Comics and Film

Outcome 3c
Evaluate tools that facilitate access to information

My chosen artifact for this outcome is my assignment on evaluating websites for LIS 753 Internet Fundamentals and Design. I chose a website/tool of Google Map and assessed its usefulness, design, mobile versus computer setup, and user friendliness, as well as analyzed a terrible website as a way to show what could go wrong and what not to do when creating an online resource.

LIS 753 Best and Worst Websites