Aimee Norris
Dominican University - Graduate School of Library Science

Goals and Outcomes

Gamer Plushies Craft Program

Goal Four
Synthesize theory and practice within a dynamic and evolving information environment

For this goal, I have chosen the outcomes 4b, 4c, and 4d and provide five artifacts as support.

Outcome 4b
Demonstrate application of theory to pratice

In LIS 770 Management of Libraries and Info Centers with Prof. Stewart, I created a program, Minecraft Me, and a marketing plan for the program. Using the theories and topics discussed in our message board, readings, and lectures, I crafted the marketing plan in a way that appealed to the audience of program (teens) and connected to them in ways that were appropriate: social media, school, and flyers with an emphasis on technology and video games.

In Lis 804 Media Literacy and Youth with Prof. Huggins, our group discussions regularly touched upon theories of media literacy and issues with technology tools and assessment of the media and its impact on children. For my final assignment, I took what we discussed and applied it to an actual program for teens in which we assess gender, race, and sexuality in comic books by looking at various issue covers.

LIS 770 Minecraft Me LIS 804 Final Project

Outcome 4c
Assess how LIS theories and concepts provide value to emerging tools, technologies, functions and practices

In LIS 723 Services for Children and Young Adults with Prof. Nemec-Loise, our final project, the Best Practices Portfolio, compiles a collection of best practices that support many of the topics and theories we discussed in class. In my best practices portfolio, I highlighted Maker spaces and the maker movement for teens, technology programs, sensory storytimes for children on the autistic spectrum, and early reader kits for parents to take home and use to teach early literacy skills to their children.

LIS 723 Best Practice Portfolio

Outcome 4d
Facilitate formal and informal learning

While I could use some experiences from teaching programs at my Chicago Public Library branch where I work, I want to highlight some of my teaching experiences in class at Dominican University. Both experiences were in LIS 723 Services for Children and Young Adults with Prof. Nemec-Loise. The first teaching experience was with the Storytime where I created a plan for a thirty minute session and then performed ten minutes of the plan in class including one book, one song, and a teaching moment. I used the book The Farmer and the Clown by Marla Frazee, the song Hanky Panky, used a felt board with handmade renditions of the Farmer and the Clown to emphasize how we understand emotions.

The other teaching experience was with an unprogram, which I've also use many times in my professional setting. The unprogram involves using perler beads, patterns, and video game designs to draw in children, teens, and tweens, with little formal instruction. Instead, the materials and basic instructions are provided and the patrons simply create. The photos and statements for the unprogram are provided here.

LIS 723 Storytime Program LIS 723 Unprogramming Statement

Pixel Art Unprogram

Pixel Art Unprogram

Pixel Art Unprogram