Aimee Norris
Dominican University - Graduate School of Library Science

Goals and Outcomes

Gamer Plushies Craft Program

Goal Five
Effectively communicate and collaborate to deliver, market, and advocate for library and information services

For the fifth goal, I chose the outcomes 5a, 5c, and 5g and support them with four artifacts.

Outcome 5a
Articulate the critical value of a marketing approach to delivering services

In LIS 770 Management of Libraries and Info Centers with Prof. Stewart, I created a marketing plan for my program Minecraft Me. In my marketing plan, I emphasized the appeal of the program and the connected Maker Lab to the intended community and patrons (teen specifically) and how that can be applied to the marketing of the program. Also, the tools and methods for marketing include: working with the local high school, social media outlets such as Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as physical flyers in and around the library and community centers.

In a response paper to the readings about Marketing for LIS 770 Management of Library and Info Centers with Prof. Stewart, I discuss the importance of marketing for libraries, explaining how it is different from advertising and more a combination of promotion, communication, market research, product development and presentation. In order to serve the community best, the community needs to know that the library is an invaluable resource. In connection with advocacy, marketing is one of the most important things a library needs to focus on.

LIS 770 Minecraft Me LIS 770 Management Marketing Response

Outcome 5c
Negotiate group dynamics in pursuit of a common goal

While I participated in many group projects throughout the course of my time at Dominican University, one of the most influential collaborative experiences was in my Summer Learning Challenge Proposal for Prof. Nemec-Loise’s LIS 723 Services for Children and Young Adults. In my group with Latrece Hunter and Amanda Shively, we worked together in person and online, using Google Docs, Skype, and group calls, to put together our proposal plan and powerpoint. We assigned each other various duties, whether it was too add data to the Google Doc or to perform a specific section during the presentation and we all kept in constant contact. While we each had differences in the way we liked to prepare, such as rehearsals and memorization as opposed to a casual presentation, we were able to work together smoothly and performed well.

LIS 723 Summer Learning Project Plan LIS 723 Summer Learning PowerPoint

Outcome 5g
Apply technology to connect, communicate, and collaborate

In LIS 701 Intro to Library and Information Science with Prof. Crowley, we discussed how technology can be used as a learning tool and theoretical applications of technology in the library and teaching space. For my final assignment I wrote a paper and did a presentation on using video games, specifically Minecraft, as a learning tool in a public library with young adults and children. The exploration, creativity, complexity, and potential of the game makes it a versatile and engaging tool that is both popular and educational.

LIS 701 Minecraft in the Library